Projects and Work Experience


Enter CTRL Studio’s current long-term project, a PvP roguelike where all the bullets ricochet. There are heroes to pick from, each representing a futuristic derivative (like Cyberpunk or Steampunk). I led a team of 13+ students and programmed most of the features seen in the game. I made the game networked online, added AI using influence maps and behavior trees, made level builders for the designers, created tools for stat tracking, and designed most of the characters.

Team Size: 13+

Role: Lead Programmer and Product Owner




Steam Page

Activision Internship

In the summer of 2022, I got the opportunity to intern at Activision. I worked at Activision Central Tech and I worked with a team where I used python to develop tools for system admins and tech writers. These tools were made for Jira and Confluence. I also made a Slack bot to interface with these tools and Docker to create an environment to host the bot.

Job Title: Software Engineer


RagBrawl is a networked multiplayer party game with goofy ragdoll characters. The game supports up to 12 players and has four game modes with various maps. I worked on our movement systems, including custom gravity and mantling. I made an automatic build server to establish a work pipeline for development and testing. This build server used Jenkins, which spun up instances of large VM containing our repo, updated the repo, and made a build. The build was then uploaded to a Google bucket, where the link to the build was posted in our Dev Discord using webhooks.

Job Title: Gameplay and Dev-Ops

Team Size: 13

Role: Lead Programmer and Product Owner


Steam Page

Ubisoft Game Lab

Back in My Day is a game developed for the 10-week Ubisoft Game Lab competition. It’s a top-down co-op rogue-like where you are trying to get to school with your buddy. I worked on the AI and helped set up a framework for our net code. I also did a few shaders and procedural level generation to make the game feel different each time played.

Team Size: 8

Role: AI & Network Programmer

Links: Page



A game developed by 3 programmers. SPace UnContained (SPUC) is a rogue-like survival game, where you have to defend you’re oil drill from hostile alien life to fuel your spaceship to escape. You can craft weapons or deployable weapons to defeat enemies. I programmed the AI using flow fields and state machines. All of our models are from the Unity asset store.

Team Size: 3
Role: AI and Systems Programmer

Links: Page



CRT-TV Terrain Generation

This is a shader project developed in collaboration with Rhys Sullivan. The team made a shader that manipulated a 3D plane by generating terrain based on a Perlin noise fragment shader. The controls (being handled by a compute shader) allows you to move around the terrain and change the seed used to create the noise. Everything is then outputted to a render target which is then passed through a CRT-TV post-processing shader.

(The video should be viewed in full screen)

Team Size: 2

Role: Programmed Perlin Noise, controls, and the CRT-TV post-processing effect




The Killer Sandworm From Saturn

This game was developed in 5 weeks. The game has the player playing as a giant sandworm who is tasked with destroying everything. The game features destructible objects and a giant procedurally animated WORM (done by yours truly)!

Team Size: 7
Role: Programmer


Itch Page

Hat’s a Problem

A game that Enter CTRL Studios Developed for a game jam. Specifically, it was developed for Mini Jam 41: Magic. The team placed first in every category of this jam despite just being formed. Hence, Enter CTRL Studios was born and since then we have been developing games. I was the programmer on this project.

Team Size: 4
Role: Sole Programmer


Itch Page




R0-B0L and Nebula

Enter CTRL Studios game developed for Mini Jam 48: Teamwork. The team came in second place overall; first in art and second in the majority of other categories. I was the programmer on this project.

Team Size: 4
Role: Sole Programmer


Itch Page



Digital Shield

This is an individually developed prototype of a game that features dual-purpose mechanics. The player controls a shield with their mouse and can melee enemies and deflect their projectiles. It became a bullet hell where you play aggressively with bullets instead of avoiding them. I was the sole developer on this project.

Team Size: 1
Role: Sole Developer


Itch Page


BeatBox Burglar

Three friends joined together to develop this unique game for a jam. It’s a mix of stealth and rhythm as the jam’s limitation was no violence. The group opted to make a game about people who wear boxes on their heads. I programmed simple path-finding AI, adaptive music, and the systems for the game.

Team Size: 3
Role: One of Two Programmers


Itch Page
